Transforming Memories
Cultural Production and Personal/Public Memory in Lebanon and Morocco
الذِّكريات في تَقَمُّصاتها

الانتاج الثقافي على محك الذاكرات الشخصية والعامة في لبنان والمغرب
2012 - 2014
In Partnership with Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Research in the field of memory studies has in recent years broadened into a consideration of how memory, trauma, violence, and testimony take place in more intimate contexts of cultural and political practices through various forms of social exchange. Comparatively, Morocco and Lebanon are exceptional in that for at least 20 years their respective public cultures have been characterized by energetic forms of cultural production that creatively engage a violent past as sites of dialogue in and for the present. From a multidisciplinary perspective—including oral history, Islamic studies, literary, cultural and gender studies, political science and cultural anthropology—the project "Transforming Memories" addressed memory and trauma in Morocco and Lebanon as transformative sites in which past and present are situated as shifting boundaries across personal and public registers.

"Memory and Reconciliation: Conflict on Mount Lebanon" by Makram Rabah